
Greater Works? Where?

"I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.    John 14:12

Messiah clearly states that those believing in him will do great works.......even greater than his. 

There are many churches filled with those who believe in 'Jesus'.  Where are the promised works?  Rarely do we hear of anything resembling the works of Messiah in our churches.  Are the works hidden?  Did Father's Messiah break his promise?  Or do we perhaps believe wrongly........in a wrong 'Jesus' perhaps?   

If we've received teachings about 'Jesus' that are in error and our 'Jesus' beliefs are built upon these errors, wouldn't we be believing in a different 'Jesus'?  Could this be why we are not doing 'greater works' as he himself promised?